One of my major gripes with the conservative argument that the Bush administration has never planned on instituting conscription, and has in fact specifically stated that they are against instating a draft, is that this statement makes no sense whatsoever when juxtaposed with Bush's policies in foreign affairs.

The administration can make high-headed announcements all they like, but they can't deny the fact that if things continue as they have been going, conscription or a change in foreign policies will become a necessity. As CNN reports, army recruiters are simply not gaining enough new recruits to satisfy the increased demand in Iraq and Afghanistan. Couple that with the increased use of aging Federal Reserve troops and the fact that the enlistments of those soldiers already deployed will soon come to an end (though some have been forcibly extended already), and you have a severe problem looming on the horizon.

As a teenager, and one who's planning on going into a field that's in-demand in the armed forces, I can say that this concerns me. Though I'm not yet 18, I will be soon, and I do in fact have quite a few friends who are also of majority age.

"There's a bottom line to the recruiting debate. People don't want to die," Thompson said.

Well, duh. Especially not overseas, fighting a war that really isn't a direct concern or any of your business. The sad part is that the army offers more incentives to join up, thus attracting a good deal more impoverished people than those who are well off. The poor man fights the rich man's war. And dies for it.

So who's really hoping that Bush doesn't get the idea to go invade Iran? No plan whatsoever as to when or how to get out of Iraq, why not add some more fun to the mix.